Friday, July 27, 2018

About me

This is the first time I've written a blog, although I have contributed to several others. Hopefully this Midwestern girl will make you smile or think about something :) If you wonder where I got the nickname "Hippie Hardrock Anglophile," a cousin came up with it one night after we compared music libraries and he noticed my eclectic collection. Among other things, I enjoy: folk music, bluegrass, country, rock, pop, Motown, British literature, tea, BBC costume dramas, giraffes, hammocking, going to concerts, Goldfish crackers, bananas, Nutella, and peanut M&Ms. 
Lightning Round:
Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff #EverydayImHufflin
Patronus? St. Bernard
Top 5 TV shows: MASH, The Office, Seinfeld, Friends, Mary Tyler Moore Show
Favorite Pizza toppings: pineapple and ham
Which superpower would I want? Teleportation
Favorite Chris? Hemsworth
Favorite Johnny Depp? Tie between Benny, JM Barrie, and Jack Sparrow
First Great Love: Aladdin
Spirit Animal: British Comedian Miranda Hart
Favorite condiment? Sour cream... of this I am certain

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