Friday, July 27, 2018

Festive Day of Rest

I want Nora Ephron to be my fairy godmother

This memoir by one of America’s favorite screenwriter’s tells the story of how her collective life experiences are both fantastic and… forgettable.

The most *charm*ing book in the world... #IMHO

When I was in 4th grade, one of the brightest spots on my elementary horizon was the Scholastic Book Order.

About me

This is the first time I've written a blog, although I have contributed to several others. Hopefully this Midwestern girl will make you smile or think about something :) If you wonder where I got the nickname "Hippie Hardrock Anglophile," a cousin came up with it one night after we compared music libraries and he noticed my eclectic collection. Among other things, I enjoy: folk music, bluegrass, country, rock, pop, Motown, British literature, tea, BBC costume dramas, giraffes, hammocking, going to concerts, Goldfish crackers, bananas, Nutella, and peanut M&Ms. 
Lightning Round:
Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff #EverydayImHufflin
Patronus? St. Bernard
Top 5 TV shows: MASH, The Office, Seinfeld, Friends, Mary Tyler Moore Show
Favorite Pizza toppings: pineapple and ham
Which superpower would I want? Teleportation
Favorite Chris? Hemsworth
Favorite Johnny Depp? Tie between Benny, JM Barrie, and Jack Sparrow
First Great Love: Aladdin
Spirit Animal: British Comedian Miranda Hart
Favorite condiment? Sour cream... of this I am certain